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Dr. Jun Ui


Birth date: June 25, 1932
Marital Status: Married, three children
Nationality: Japanese
1956. Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering Course of Department of Applied Chemistry in Faculty of Engineering University of Tokyo.
1962. Master of Engineering in Master Course of Graduate School in Department of Applied Chemistry, University of Tokyo.
Professor of Environmental Science, also teaching: basic principles of environmental pollution, since l986. Dean of Okinawa University Library, since 1987-89 Director, Research Institute on Regional Studies, 1988


1956-59: Worked in Japanes Geon Company as a chemical engineer in the construction of polyvinyl, chloride plant in Takaoka City: its operation and maintenance; later in the sales department as a sales engineer for plastic processing in Tokyo and Osaka office.
1959-: The research on Minamata Disease, heavy organic mercury poisoning, caused by industrial waste pollution, disclosure of the results, support of victims movement, court cases for the determination of legal responsibility. The case studies on mercury pollution in U. S. Canada, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Brasil, etc.
1962-: The survey of river water quality in Tochigi Prefecture region and its monitoring by periodical sampling and analysis.
1965-: The study on the role of citizens' movement in the environmental issues in Japan, its promotion as a concerned scientist.
1965-86: Worked as a research assistant, teaching technical exercises in Department of Urban Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo.
1969-: The study on sewage treatment as a kind of appropriate technology, design of simple oxidation ponds built by local people.
1970-85: Operation of Jishu-Koza (independent free lecture movement for citizens self-education) in University of Tokyo, on the principles of pollution.
1974-85: The Study on multi -disciplinary reform plan of higher education, especially on the relationship of university to the changing society of Japan.
1982-83: Visiting Professor in Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University, East Lansing Michigan, in Fulbright program.


Lecture in: undergraduate course: Okinawa's environment, principles of pollution, water chemistry, sewage treatment. Lecture in graduate course: principles of pollution Exercise in undergraduate course: water chemistry, water analysis, field survey of natural surface water, regional planning of water pollution control. Lecture of Jishu-Koza : reporter and coordinator of lecture series for principle of pollution.


  1. Study on flow property of polymer melt, Association of Polyvinyl Chloride Manufacturers, 1960-62.

  2. Scientific advisor and expert committee member in The Water Quality Control Board of Tochigi Prefecture, 1965-86

  3. Scientific advisor to the lawyers team in the civil court case of second Minamata Disease (Niigata District Court), 1967-71.

  4. Scientific advisor to the lawyers team in the criminal court case of Kochi Pulp, citizebs' non-violent sealing of waste discharge(Kochi District Court), 197l-75

  5. Design and maintenance know-how of simple treatment plant for sewage and industrial wastewater, Tochigi Fuji Sangyo Company, 1975.

  6. Planning, design, and maintenance know-how of simple, systematic treatment plant for sewage and industrial waste water, Isone Design Office, 1976-.


  1. Japan Association of Civil Engineers

  2. Chemical Society of Japan

  3. Science Council of Japan

  4. Member, Research Planning Council of PACFM IN MARIBUS (an international consult-ing body for peaceful use of ocean, led by Mrs. Elisabeth Mann Borgese, office in International Ocean Institute, P.O. Box 524, Valletta, Malta); since l972

  5. Expert Member, GESAMP (Group of Experts on Scientific Aspects on Marine Pollut-ion), organized by UN and other international agencies in 1971, 72

  6. President, Asian Environmental Society, a status NGO in UNEP, since 1979.

  7. Board Member, Environmental Liaison Centre, a coalition of national, regional, and international NGOs in environmental field, 1981-86.


  1. World Health Organization: Senior Research Training Grant, 1968-69; one year field research in Europe on mercury and other industrial wastes pollution.

  2. Finland Nature Conservation Association: Special Grand Prize on the warning of danger of environmental pollution by mercury, 1970.

  3. Mainichi Publication Prize: Principles of Pollution, published by Keis Shob,1972

  4. Chunichi Shimbun Grant for Expedition on World Pollution, 1975.

  5. Fulbright Scholarship: Exchange Scholar on citizens participation in the environmental issues in U. S., 1982-83.

  6. SMON Prize, 1990

  7. UNEP GLOBAL 500,1991


  1. Case studies of pollution, Principles of pollution, history of Japanese pollution, and its analytical study. New international phenomena such as pollution export and related unappropriate technology transfer.

  2. Role of movement by people as a preventive power of pollution.

  3. Small scale sewage and other organic waste treatment by oxidation pond, and application of wind energy to save mechanical energy for the treatment.

  4. Simplified chemical, water analysis, applied by secondary school pupils.

  5. Simplified survey for water pollution level and identification of polluting sources, popularization of control methods.

  6. Organization of adult and voluntary education in the university system

  7. Jishu-Koza (independent forum) movements as an effort of university reformation, and its application to the survival plan of Okinawa University under heavy competitive condition in Japanese higher education system.

  8. Critical review, of regional development plans in Okinawa area, especially on new Ishigaki Airport plan in Shiraho village.


  1. Jun Ui, Kogai no Seijigaku (Politics of Pollution), Sanseido, Tokyo, 1968. (J)

  2. Jun Ui, UI report (A Report on Europian Pollution), Aki Publishers, Tokyo, 1970. (J)

  3. Jun Ui, Kogai Genron (Principles of Pollution), I, II, III, Aki Publishers, Tokyo, 1972 (J)

  4. Jun Ui, Kogai Genron, second series, I, II, III, IV, Keis Publishers, Tokyo, 1972 (J)

  5. Jun Ui, Watashi no Kogai Ts (My Battle Against Pollution), Ushio Books, Tokyo, 1972 (J)

  6. S, Nakayama and E, Yagi (Editors), Science and Society in Modern Japan Tokyo University Press, Tokyo, 1973, (E)

  7. Jun Ui, Kogai Genron, supplements, I, II, III, Aki Publishers, Tokyo , 1974. (J)

  8. Jun Ui, Kogai retto nanajuu nendai (Polluted Archiperago in Seventies), Aki Publishers, Tokyo, 1974,(J)

  9. Jun Ui(Editor),Daigaku kaitai ron (Disbanding University System), I, II, III, Aki Publishers, Tokyo, 1975(J)

  10. Jun Ui, Jumin o musubu tabi (Travel to Connect people), Chikuma Publishers, Tokyo, 1977 (J)

  11. S. Tsuru (Editor), Sekai no kogai chizu (World Map in Pollution), Iwanami Books, Tokyo, 1978. (J)

  12. Jun Ui, Kimiyo aruite kangaero (Walk and Think Young You!), Popula Book, Tokyo, 1979. (J)

  13. Jun Ui, Furusato no mizu (Water in Our Homeland). Aki Publishers, Tokyo, 1983. (J)

  14. Jun Ui (Editor), Gijutsu to sangyo kogai (Technology and Industrial Pollution), Tokyo university Press, Tokyo. 1985. (J)

  15. Jun Ui (Editor). Mirai sangyo no kozo (Structure of Future Industry), Aki Publishers, Tokyo, 1986. (J)

  16. Jun Ui (Editor), United Nation University, Project Series Number Five, "The Japan Experience" Technological Transition and Industrial Pollution, to be published in near future. Chapter 1 Overview, Chapter 4 Minamata Disease, and Conclusion. (E)

  17. S. Tsuru and H. Weidner. Books title undetermined Wissenshaftzentrum, Berlin published in 1987, 88. Three chapters, titled as follows: An analysis of recent Japanese anti-pollution movements and other related "jumin undo" type grassroot organizations, The export of environmental pollution, Lessons for developing countries from the history of Japanese pollution. (E)


  1. Studies on the Flow Properties of Various Polymer Melts Measured by an Extruder. Transactions of Society of Plastic Enginers 4 (4): 295. 1964. (E)

  2. The Pollution of Minamata Bay and Minamata Disease. Advances on Water Pollution Research 3: 167, 1966. (E)

  3. A Short History or Minamata Disease Research and the Present Situation of Mercury Pollution in Japan. Nordisk Hygiene Tidskrift 50: 199, 1969. (E)

  4. Mercury Pollution of Sea and Fresh Water, Its Accumulation into Biomass. Revue Internationale Oceangraphie Medicale Tome 22-23, p. 79, 1971. (E)

  5. The Singularity of Japanese Pollution, Japan Quarterly 19(3): 261 1972. (E)

  6. Une maladie de la pollution, Minamata; L' esprit, Februar, 1973. (F)

  7. Kursbuch 33, 1975.(G)

  8. Pollution in Japan and Asia-Issues and Alternatives; MIT Conference on Church and Society, World Council of Churches, Cambridge, MA, 1979. (E)

  9. The negative effects of technology in Japan's modernization process: The Ashio Copper Mine incident. The United Nation University, 1983. Working paper HSDRJE-84/UNUP-418. (E)


  1. KOGAI Newsletter from Polluted Japan; quarterly, edited and published by Jun Ui, Jishu-Koza, Japan Chapter of Asian Environmental Society, Japan. 1973-84, No.1-15. (E)

  2. Jishu Koza,, later Tsuchinokoe Taminokoe, a monthly periodical for the networking of local peoples movements, edited and published by Jun Ui, Jishu Koza 1971-84.


  1. A survey of water quality in Tochigi Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture Office, 1964,1970, 1978 editions

  2. Recording of Kogai Genron, case studies and hearings of Japanese pollution; Vol.I, No. 1-13, II,1-12, III,1-6, IV,1-22, V, 1-6, VI,-28, VII, 1-12,VIII,-6,1970-80, Jishu Koza in University of Tokyo. Tokyo, Japan. (J)


  1. Kogai Genron (Principles of Pollution), 16 mm color, 30 min, Seirinsha Production,Tokyo. 1974 (J)

  2. Polluted Japan 16 mm color, 30 min, Seirinsha Production, 1975. (E)


On Japanese Water 30 min X12, NHK ETV 1995 Summer

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