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Hybrid Lagoon System (“HLS”)

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The Improvement of Oxygen Transfer Efficiency and Flexibility (1981-1985)

These tables show practical data of efficiency of oxygen transfer from wastewater facilities operated by HLS in Japan between 1981 and 1985. The facilities contain those for municipal wastewater, food (or meat) processing wastewater, and collecting and disposal of human waste.

From these tables, we prove,

1) oxygen transfer efficiency in Hybrid Lagoon is improved from 0.46 O2kg/kWh to 2.79 O2kg/kWh; and

2) oxygen transfer quantity in Hybrid Lagoon is increased from 39.4 O2kg/hr to 129 O2kg/hr.

Survey of KLA 21
These tables show actual results of test of KLA under HLS in Sahara Survey in1985.

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