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Hybrid Lagoon System
Case Study
Applications Proposals

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10. Hybrid Lagoon Water Interception and Hybrid Lagoons Excavated without Timbering.

As a rule, the retaining walls and floor of the hybrid lagoon are of a RC (rigid) construction, and the water intercepting sloped areas shall be of a pliant construction (asphalt sheet construction or similar methods).

Photo 2. The structure of "HLS".

Photo 3. The panorama of "HLS".

As a space in which microorganisms are to live, hybrid lagoons excavated without timbering are preferable to spaces surrounded by concrete. The hybrid lagoon excavated without timbering at the Takizawa Ham Izumikawa Plant in Tochigip Prefecture (Photos 7 through 9), which was operated from May to December in 1980, was a treatment facility operating under conditions close to natural conditions, due to the presence of various types of biota (water insects, bullfrogs, domestic geese, white herons and other fowl) other than activated sludge.

Photo 4. "HLS" that a base is dug.

Photo 5. The discharge of the treatment water.

Hybrid lagoons excavated without timbering have a simple structure and are easy to construct; they are also highly economical, and provide the advanced functions required by modern society. (Cf. 172)

Photo 6. "HLS" in the snow. A temperature -12C
water temperature 4 C.

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