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Hybrid Lagoon System
Case Study
Applications Proposals

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28. Future Plans for Environmental Protection
(2):From Facilities for Human Waste Processing to Sewage Treatment Facilities.(600 kliters/day, 40,500 m3/day)

One feature of the hybrid lagoon automatic control system lies in its capacity for organic treatment of various types of wastes, from household waste water and other low-concentration wastes (100-200 mg/liter BOD) to waste water from livestock breeding and food production, human waste and other high-concentration wastes (5,000-10,000 mg/liter BOD).

This versatility is an important feature of the hybrid lagoon automatic control system. As a consequence, this system has the flexibility to meet the changing demands of society for waste treatment. Since waste treatment plants are built for use over extended periods of time, by using this versatility of such facilities, they can immediately after construction be used for treating raw human waste, and then, with the construction of sewage networks, be employed in treating a mixture of human waste and waste water, and be operated as terminal treatment facilities after sewage networks are completed.

In the case of facilities for treatment of raw human waste (600 kliters/day x BOD 13,500 mg/liter), following the guidelines for human waste treatment facilities established by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the quantity and concentration of human waste treatable may be estimated as follows.

Facilities for treatment of raw human waste (600 kliters/day x BOD 13,500 mg/liter) could begin by treating human waste exclusively, and then, after a period of treating a mixture of human waste and waste water. finally begin operation as a terminal sewage treatment plant, processing 40,500 m3/day x BOD 200 mg/liter.

To convert to equivalent population, if we assume 1.4 liters of human waste per person per day and 200 liters of waste water per person per day, then hybrid lagoon facilities consisting of four basins each 60 m in diameter, with an effective capacity of 12,500 m3, and requiring power for aeration of 175 kW, could begin operation as human waste treatment facilities for 420,000 persons, and subsequently be used for treating waste water generated by a population of roughly 200,000.

  1. wastewater

  2. microorganism reaction basin

  3. microorganism separation basin

  4. treated water

  5. returned sludge

  6. intake

  7. discharge of treated water

  8. Diagram of single-basin facilities

  9. hybrid lagoon basin

  10. Cross-sectional diagram

  11. Light-loaded state

  12. saturated oxygen concentration, mg/liter

  13. Properly loaded state

  14. aeration process

  15. sedimentation process

  16. time (reduction of aerated volume)

  17. (maintenance of aerated volume)

  18. Overloaded state

  19. (increasing aerated volume)

  20. Changes in dissolved oxygen concentration waveform

  21. Block diagram of automatic control and data processing systems

  22. unattended operation

  23. automatic control instruction

  24. instruction

  25. sequencer

  26. microorganisms

  27. measured values

  28. conversion equipment

  29. recorder

  30. selection

  31. A/D converter

  32. 30 data/sec

  33. ?? program creation/modification

  34. display

  35. memory device

  36. on-site supervisor

  37. for maintenance/control

  38. supervisor's telephone

  39. telephone at facilities

  40. leased communication circuit (unattended response)

  41. telephone at remote location

  42. monitoring personnel

  43. remote monitoring

  44. Performance satisfactory despite the low concentration of activated sludge, and facilities operating smoothly. In future, as amount of sludge increases, should reach planned performance level. Lead, mercury, organic phosphorus compounds, normal hexane extracts, phenol, chrome, arsenic, other impurities not detected .

  45. households (generating waste)

  46. waste water from rinsing

  47. household waste water

  48. raw waste

  49. (treatment)

  50. hybrid lagoon facilities

  51. (high-level treatment)

  52. (treated water)

  53. discharge into public water systems

  54. (excess sludge)

  55. spring, autumn

  56. (sludge reduction processing)

  57. dispersion in fields, pastures

  58. Basic Design of Newly Installed Human Waste Processing

Facilities Outline of LLSB Activated Sludge Treatment Processes and Block Diagram of Automatic Control System

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